Day by Day

Friday, January 9, 2009

So, as you can tell, despite my lack of job and school, I have been horrendously bad about posting, and I make no apologies for it. I've been enjoying life, sitting in coffee shops for hours upon end, reading and sipping coffee, having good conversations (with the Sloops and my good friend from high school, Lauren), and also playing a few video games.

Promo: Rent Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It might be the coolest game I have ever played, particularly on the Wii

Now back to your scheduled programing:

Since my last post, I've finished the two aforementioned books: Dreams from my Father and Jesus Wants to Save Christians

Dreams from my Father was a real easy read for me, finishing it in less than a week. I really wanted a background on our future First Citizen, and it did not disappoint. The book is harshly honest about his past life, with the prejudices he felt towards people through his college career in California, to his famed work as a feared 'community organizer' in Chicago. He also spent the first few years of his life living in a village in Indonesia, which was interesting. If you want to know more about our future President, don't watch the television for news specials. Pick up his book and read it for yourself.

Jesus Wants to Save Christians might be better than Velvet Elvis, his entrance into the world of writing. The book is one of the hardest to explain it's specific topic, so I'm not going to try. Needless to say, it paints a picture of the American Church, and somethings that we are neglecting on a whole, though perhaps not individually. Read it, and you'll see.

With those books down, I've picked up two others: Starving Jesus and A War Like No Other. The first is written by the founder and a current pastor of, an anti-porn ministry. It's a call to action to "Get out of the pews, and into the world". It's a truly difficult read, because the two writers make no apologies for what they say, which is truthful, but very painful to read because of that truth as well. I'm almost finished, with only two chapters left that will probably be completed by the end of the day.

A War Like No Other is a modern telling of the Peloponnesian War, between the democratic sailors of Athens and the oligarchic hoplites of Sparta. I love ancient history, particularly the Greeks. Always have, and this book only cements that love even more. The author rehashes Thucydides' history, into a simpler read and provides some motiffs from wars that proceed the ancient clash. I've still got quite a bit left on this one, but I can't wait to get back into it.

What I find myself doing, is living in the future, something that is real easy to do as a junior in college, with no girlfriend and no job. You can't help but wait until you are out, with a job and a wife and kids, but I'm not there yet, and I have to keep reminding myself of that, right? Living Day-By-Day.


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