These are the Greatest...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I think Christ knew all along that we, the church, would fail miserably at following what he says through Paul, 'staying united in One mind and Love'. I think he knew this, and I don't think it should shock anyone.

How many denominations are there? How many dissenting opinions are there on doctrine? We argue all the time as a church, like a pair of teenage siblings. Not only do we argue, but we argue things OF THIS WORLD!!! Homosexuality, the death penalty, and abortion are just a few. (It is hard to put those final two items in there, but they are things that are of this world)

Our arguments only distract us from heavenly things, from the mystical experience of joy and happiness we receive in Christ. 

We need to get back to this, to being 'One in mind and spirit' and Love. And Christ knew all along that we would need his two Greatest Commandments:

These are the only things we need to have Oneness with each other, but we blind ourselves to it.


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